Posts Categorized: Energy Healing

Ghost Month, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, is an important cultural event in many Asian countries. In 2023, it falls between August 16th and September 14th. During this period, it is believed that the gates of the underworld open, and restless spirits roam the earth. They seek food, entertainment, and maybe even trouble….

Are you looking to infuse your daily routine with some positive energy? Through various mindfulness practices and energy healing modalities, you could start your day with energy that aligns with your goals and intentions. Whether you’re new to this concept or have dabbled in it before, this guide will walk you through how to bring…

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just not quite like yourself in the past days, weeks, or months? Life can throw us some curveballs, and it’s completely normal to experience ups and downs. But what if you know how to tap into your body’s natural healing abilities and find a sense of balance and calm?…

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a part of our daily lives. Whether it’s the demands of work, personal relationships, or financial pressures, stress can have a negative impact on our physical, emotional, and mental health.   While traditional forms of therapy can be effective in reducing stress, there is an alternative method that…

Energy healing is a practice that uses energy fields to balance, harmonize, and heal the body, mind, and spirit. It has been around for thousands of years and is practiced by many cultures around the world. In this post, we will explore its history, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits of energy healing, the…